ecclesia everywhere everyday(e3) movement
A commitment to the kingdom multiplication movement
ecclesia is a least church to make disciples of all nations in our everyday life such as home, workplace and campus.

Every disciple a disciple-maker • Every home/workplace/campus a training platform • Every ecclesia a missions centre
ecclesia is a story•family•mission-shaped people of God who LOVE GOD, LOVE OTHERS and MAKE DISCIPLES who multiply — with Jesus as their center and their King.

A passion for forming simple churches Everywhere
The church will be built by the Lord Jesus. We are called to make disciples of all nations. Our comprehensive suite of professional services caters to a diverse training, ranging from non-believers to professional minsters.
Jesus Prayer
Practice the presence of the Lord all the way
- 1 Minute game
Pray with a verse of the Bible
- Lectio Divina
10:02 Prayer
Go to unsaved souls by the knees of prayer
- OIKOS map
B.L.E.S.S. Outreach
BLESS neighbours by practicing CARE-PRAYER-SHARE

- Begin with prayer
- Listen with care
- Eat together
- Serve with love
- Share stories
My Story
Bridge to others with the 15 second testimony

- There was a time in my life when…
- before
- Jesus Christ
- after
- Do you have a story like this?
GOD’s Story

Change every conversation to the Gospel conversation with the 3 circles in 3 minutes
- It is because this world is BROKEN
- God’s perfect design
- Sin
- All human efforts leads to Death and Hell
- Good News: God’s promise and fulfillment about the Savior(Christ) – Jesus is the Christ(Messiah): his birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and second coming
- Respond to what God has done through Jesus Christ: TURN, TRUST, CONFESS
- Restore the relation with God, become new creation in Jesus Christ and pursue God’s perfect design
- Where are you now in this story? Where do you like to be?
One4One Discipleship Training
Train all believers with 1 sheet of paper to be equipped to be able to answer the 4 questions on the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in 1 hour or less

- Introduction One4One
- The Great Commission(Matthew 28:18-20): “Go…make disciples!”
- WHY….?
- WHO…?
- WHAT…?
- WHEN…?
Discovery Bible Study in 3/3 Process
Under the authority of the Bible all can be equipped with leadership in 3/3 process by sharing what they have discovered in the story about God and people

- LOOK BACK: 1. Exalt Jesus 2. Expect Jesus 3. Extend Jesus – Pray for one another in love
- LOOK UP: 4. GOD’s Story 5. New Story/Lesson 6. Retell the Story. – CROSS METHOD: GOD, people, Obey, Share
- LOOK FORWARD: 7. Plan (C.R.O.S.S. Goal) 8. Present the Kingdom vision. 9. Pray with authority to bind and loose
Church Circle
Form a church(ecclesia) by obeying the commands of Jesus Christ
Acts 2:36-47
- Repent
- Believe the Good News
- Be baptized
- Pray
- Go..make disciples
- Love one another
- Lord’s supper
- Give
- Prepare to suffer
- Connect to the Lord
- Sing praise to God
- Signs & wonders
- Continue as a church(ecclesia)
Handy Guide to Healthy Churches
Left Handy Guide to a Church Start
- Who is the church?
- When do we meet?
- Where did the church meet?
- Why does the church meet?
- What do we do?

Right Handy Guide to Healthy Churches
- The church as one head
- The church has two authorities
- The church has three servants
- The church has four marks of maturity
- The church has five functions
Iron On Iron
Learn from other practitioners while addressing barriers and clarifying action steps that address those barriers

- Update(30 min.)
- Encourage(5 min.)
- Ask clarifying questions(5 min.)
- Discuss solutions that address barriers(15 min.)
- Share 2-3 action items & accountability plan(3 min.)
- Pray(2 min.)
Gen. Map with M.A.A.W.L. Principle
Experience the 4 spiritual generations by training all the believers to equip, develop and delegate to others in M.A.A.W.L. principle

- Model
- Assisted
- Assist
- Watch
- Leave
Our Kingdom tools are biblical and reproducible and simple.
Kingdom Life App
- Grace Walk
- Life on Mission
- One4One Training
- Seed Sower
- Harvest Diamond
- Gen. Map

- Mission Column
- Human & Human
- Ethnic Church/Group Update
- Campus ministry
- Refugees ministry
- Canada MOSAIC College
“A passionate pursuit for the one living God with all that I am! This is the reason for my life, the purpose of my existence and the rule of my faith.”

Lordwin Lim
MOSAIC Cataslyst
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