A commitment to make the kingdom multiplication movement
This training is a pioneering platform that every follower of Jesus Christ can make disciples of all nations in their everyday life.
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.— Mark 1:16-20
Have you ever wondered how the church got started?
In the beginning nobody was a professional.
Good thing God had a plan that didn’t require professionals.
He did it to start the first movement of the church.
And He does it today.
The first church sent ordinary people around the world to tell others about Jesus.
It sent ordinary people to stand before governors and generals and rulers and kings.
It sent ordinary people to heal the sick, feed the hungry, raise the dead, and teach all of God’s commands to everyone in the world.
The first church sent ordinary people to change the world.
And they did.
Our dream is to do what Jesus said — to help ordinary people around the world use small tools to make a big impact in God’s kingdom!
Jesus’ final instructions to His followers were simple.
He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”— Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus’ command was simple — MAKE DISCIPLES.
His instructions on how to do that were simple:
Make disciples wherever you’re going.
Make disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Make disciples by teaching them to obey all He commanded.
So what are the steps to make a disciple?
We make disciples all the time — wherever we’re going and as we go.
When someone decides to follow Jesus — they should be baptized.
As they grow — we should teach every disciple how to obey everything that Jesus commanded.
Since one of the things He commanded is to make disciples, that means that every disciple who follows Jesus needs to learn how to make disciples too.

A passion for movement
–Kingdom Vision–
–Clear Pathway–
–Simple Tools–

– Local

– Personal

1. Pathway(One4One Strategy Map)

- Tools(Biblical-Reproducible-Simple)

God the Father’s Heart

Experiencing God’s Love is the Foundation of the Kingdom Life.

GO(Entry: Empty Field)
Engaging people to the Kingdom of God in Our City.
GOSPEL(Evangelism: Seeded Field)
Sharing the testimony of salvation and the Good News of God with the Lost.
GROW(Discipleship: Growing Field)
Growing in God’s Life as Disciples of Jesus Christ.
GATHER(Church Formation: Gathered Field)
Gathering together as the Body of Christ Jesus
GUIDE(FOCUS: Leadership Multiplication)
Guiding all nations to the Kingdom multiplication movement
Experiencing God’s Love is the Foundation of the Kingdom Life.
God’s Reality As Christ Embodied
Christ’s total dependence upon God lies in his life of Prayer and Word of God
Jesus Prayer
GO(Entry: Empty Field)
The public life of our Lord Jesus Christ is characterized by GOing to the lost.
Engage the city: Bless Every Home

10:02 Prayer
- Who’s Your One?

BLESS Outreach

GOSPEL(Evangelism: Seeded Field)
The Good News of God’s Kingdom needs to every one in this broken world.
My Story

God’s Story

GROW(Discipleship: Growing Field)
We are growing unto Christ in the life of God.
One4One Discipleship Training
Discovery Bible Study in 3/3 Process

GATHER(Church Formation: Gathered Field)
We are the body of Christ both locally and globally in the Holy Spirit.
Church Circle

Handy Guide to Healthy Church

GUIDE(FOCUS: Leadership Multiplication)
Our King Jesus Christ has entrusted us to be a guide for all nations to join the coming Kingdom of God.
Iron On Iron

Generation Map in MA.AWL principle

the Story+Family+Mission-formed People of God
- Story of God
- Family of God
- Mission of God

Prayer Letter & Newsletter
“All that we have been given from God is a debt for us to pay back our neighbors.”

Lordwin Lim
Mosaic Catalyst
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