Ways to Donate
Your donations help us do missions to newcomers; immigrants, international students, and refugees.
Your donation will help a lot to achieve our missions.
We’ll be able to :
– reach out to the unreached people groups in the Greater Toronto Area
– plant ethnic churches to multiply Evangelism, Discipleship, Church Formation, and Leadership Development.
– put in practice a communal reverse mission to complete the world evangelization in our generation.
Mission Toronto
Citywide MOSAIC Fellowship
e-transfer: offering@missiontoronto.org
Payable to: Mission Toronto
*Write ___________(your message)
and mail to
36 Spruce Ave., Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6W1
MOSAIC Multiethnic Ministry

e-transfer: donation@cmcaallnations.org
Payable to: Canada Mosaic Christian Alliance (CMCA)
*Write ___________(your message)
and mail to
36 Spruce Ave., Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6W1
Should you wish to receive a receipt, please provide us with your address if you want us to send it by mail, or your e-mail address if you wish to receive it by e-mail
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33 NLT)
How Your Donations Help
Our comprehensive suite of professional services for the Kingdom of God caters to a diverse ethnicity, ranging from the unreached people group to the established churches.
Kingdom Project
- Canada Mosaic College
- Ethnic Church Planting
- Bless Every Home
- ecclesia everywhere everyday
- One4One Training
- MiTo: missions to the world

Church Planting Project
- Afghan Church
- Arabic Church
- Azerbaijan Church
- Persian Church
- Turkish Church
- Kurdish Church
- Kyrgyz Church
- Malawian Church
- Hindi Church
- Mongolian Church
- Tibetan Church
- Yazidi Church
- Spanish Church
- Campus Church
- Home Church
- Workplace Church